"Journey" is a Chinese classic, the most outstanding one. "Journey to the West", the mythical Chinese classic novels, Chinese "four famous" one. The book tells the Tripitaka Buddhist sutras mentoring five story, showing the good and evil of the old theme. "Journey to the West" written in the mid-16th century Ming Dynasty, is generally considered the author of Wu Ming."Journey to the West" AuthorEach of the "Journey to the West" now published are the signature of Wu, but since the "Journey to the West" come out, it has been controversial for its author. Ming spread of "Journey to the West", various versions are not signed."Chuji" said"Journey to the West," a term used a lot of alchemy, some passages from Quanzhen classic, the author skillfully Quanzhen founder Wang Chongyang, the second generation of the palm to teach Ma Danyang thoughts and his disciples, so the Ming dynasty, the Qing Dynasty priests, Scholars think that the "Journey to the West" is a Taoist alchemy book. Qing Tao Believers, and 汪象旭 at relegated to "Journey to the West" are made "Journey to the West" as Chuji written during the Southern Song Dynasty. After this observation suggested that the Qing literati mostly agree.